Thursday, May 5, 2011

This cute little baby is Bailey Elizabeth… this is my puppy! I sorta bought her as a breakup present to myself after getting out of the worst two year relationship of my life. But, that doesn’t matter now. This little puppy is laying next to me as I sit here on Tumblr, blogging away. Isn’t she just so cute? I swear, I never thought it was this possible to love something as much as I love her. I can sit and hold her like a baby for hours… Funny thing is though, she acts JUST LIKE HER MOMMY (aka me.) So today I came home, and she was so excited to see me… but she just had  a bag of chips in her mouth running around with it! So funny. Oh notice the barney blanket.. that is her blanky. if she doesn’t have that on top of her at night, she cries. In the winter if it is snowing she will not step foot outside without her cheetah jacket and scarf on. I would say she is a tad spoiled. but I wouldn’t trade her. She is so much like a human is it ridiculous. She hold things with her “hands” and walks on two legs everywhere! Oh and she likes to help me with homework, by getting rid of it… aka. chewing it up. Right now, as I sit and type about her snob butt, she is smacking my hands with her paws to make the typing sound stop so she can sleep. Sort of funny! I swear, I love this dog more than I even thought was possible!

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