Thursday, May 5, 2011

Time never stops....

flowers gif
So we all better start living


I cna't hardly believe it! One more final and it is summer! Gosh, how I have wanted you for so long! I celebrates by making Strawberry Cream Cheese Cupcakes! With, homemade icing!! :D They are so yummie, and look delicious! Now, I have to study for my final final! Kind of fun to say! (: Weeewhooo night of studying! Go me!

Llamas with Hats


The Girlfriend Season - Butterflies lyrics (my obsession...)

My weakness, if any man with beauitful eyes.


Kiss me...

...In the rain, like you never have kissed anyone before.

I am so hungry I am looking up food art.

Food art
cute food

Finals are ALMOST OVER!!!



michael dancing

Figgins Dancing

dancing couple in the rain

I just feel like....

Mike dancing



One more final then summer time!

Truth is...

Hug me like we a five, but never let go…

They just killed the Hide in seek world Champion...

Way to be America...

Yay, go us!

I want a minion.

I just can’t handle this anymore… I feel myself fading away, future and future everyday and nobody is there to stop it. I am running myself of low; I just can’t handle this anymore. I want to be the fixer, and be the helper of everyones problems. Doing this I put aside my own. What does that fix? Absolutely nothing. It makes my problems worse. I feel empty and alone… with nowhere to go. Who can I turn to, when everyone is turning to me for help. Aren’t I supposed to be the strong one? and help the others so I can save them from the pain I have been through… I don’t know what to think nor what to do. I’m trying to stay strong but I feel myself melting, and breaking down. Slowly fading away. How can i stop it? The ones who said they would alwasy be there, are nowhere to be found… Who can I lead on when I’m not strong? Looks like I have to depend on myself, I have gotten myself through the worst of the worst… What can one more time do? It is times like this though when I was to curl up in a ball, cry my eyes out and never be bothered again. I’m scared. I’ll admit it. I’m scared my past will come back and I don’t know how to avoid it other than facing it head on. But who is there to hold my hand and be by my side? Nobody. I jus have to keep telling myself I will make it, things will get better, even though they keep getting worse. As I slowly fade away.
Can you see what I see....

Or do you see what is shown in my lens?

Harry Potter says no.

MY life. MY job.

Do you realize that you are the person I want to run to? Do you realize when I see or talk to you my entire day is made? Do you realize when I am with you, I feel like anything is possible? Do you realize the second I get good or bad news, you are the one I want to call and tell? Do you realize I make up stupid reasons to see you and talk to you? Do you realize that together you and I could make the world turn with jealousy? Do you realize this could be what true love really is? Do you realize my point yet? I realize I want you and only you. I want a chance with you, to give this whole thing called loved a chance… Together I realize we could be invincible.
This cute little baby is Bailey Elizabeth… this is my puppy! I sorta bought her as a breakup present to myself after getting out of the worst two year relationship of my life. But, that doesn’t matter now. This little puppy is laying next to me as I sit here on Tumblr, blogging away. Isn’t she just so cute? I swear, I never thought it was this possible to love something as much as I love her. I can sit and hold her like a baby for hours… Funny thing is though, she acts JUST LIKE HER MOMMY (aka me.) So today I came home, and she was so excited to see me… but she just had  a bag of chips in her mouth running around with it! So funny. Oh notice the barney blanket.. that is her blanky. if she doesn’t have that on top of her at night, she cries. In the winter if it is snowing she will not step foot outside without her cheetah jacket and scarf on. I would say she is a tad spoiled. but I wouldn’t trade her. She is so much like a human is it ridiculous. She hold things with her “hands” and walks on two legs everywhere! Oh and she likes to help me with homework, by getting rid of it… aka. chewing it up. Right now, as I sit and type about her snob butt, she is smacking my hands with her paws to make the typing sound stop so she can sleep. Sort of funny! I swear, I love this dog more than I even thought was possible!


Liz, I love you!

I’ll meet you half way, wheels sync in the middle and kiss me like you never have before.

“When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.” -anonymous

I'm in love with my bed.

I could not agree more!
Every princess wants their fairy tale ending. The day it comes it will be the best day of her life. She will be the queen of his world, and he’ll be the king of hers.

So recently I have had an obsession....

This is above, please go to youtube! FOLLOW THE LINK AND LISTEN!
This song is amaing, it is called Butterflies by the girlfriend season! I highly recommend it!
(I was very impaitent to wait for the link to load directly from youtube... so i copy and pasted. OH, and well... FOR NEW BLOGGERS! There is a link under the video, click SHARE! From there you can click the icon in which you want to share it too! SIMPLE AS PIE!)